Authors: Vanessa Russo e Mara Maretti
The term B Corp, or Benefit Corporation, refers to a type of business or-ganisation that is committed to pursuing a positive social and environmental impact alongside financial profit, while promoting social responsibility and transparency. Such companies promote equity, environmental protection, and support of local communities for sustainable development. The research presented concerns a background analysis of the phenomenon from a corporate welfare perspective. The aim is to understand the characteristics and opportunities offered by benefit societies in the Italian context. In detail, the vectors examined regard the impact of this new form of enter-prise on the social, economic, and territorial system and its possible applications in field of social sciences..
Keywords: Stud benefit Corporation, social network analysis, bibliometric analysis, welfare, expert interview.
Notes on contibutors
Vanessa Russo è RTDA in sociologia generale presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche e Sociali dell’Università di Chieti-Pescara attualmente la sua attività di ricerca è concentrata nel progetto PON REACT EU innovazione (azione IV.4) Social Data Science per l’innovazione e la Brand Reputation dell’impresa 4.0. Email:
Mara Maretti è professoressa associata in sociologia generale, docente di politiche sociali e metodologia della ricerca sociale e coordinatore del CSRlab (Computational Social Science Laboratory) presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche e Sociali dell’Università di Chieti-Pescara. Email: