Il costruttivismo (as)sociologico ma “non sociale” di Latour

Author: Simone D’Alessandro


Latour’s Actor-Network Theory (ANT) builds a bridge between philosophy and anthropology, (re)defining sociology as a science that ‘traces associations’ between human and non-human, natural and artificial elements. This approach displays a ‘constructivist’ orientation that might apparently bring it closer to earlier authors. But it is a ‘non-social’ constructivism (Latour, 2022: 81) that reassembles the social sciences in an original way. His attempt to overthrow – or, as he declares, eliminate – the ‘Sociology of the Social’ represents a paradigmatic shift, but it is also characterised by aporias on the theoretical level and difficulties of application and interpretation on the methodological level pointed out by other scholars of his same intellectual stature.

Keywords: Agency, Actor-Network Theory, Constructivism, Social


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Notes on contributors

SIMONE D’ALESSANDRO è ricercatore di Sociologia generale Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale. Università G. d’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara, Italy.

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