Author name: Antonio Martella

Eurasianism. Evolution of the concept from its origins to the current implications in terms of geopolitics and security

Author: Alessandra De Luca, Antonello Canzano Giansante Abstract This study investigates the cultural factor of Eurasianism under an ideological perspective in order to provide an overview of its potential threats. It reviews historical conceptualizations and Dugin’s Neo Eurasianism and examines its political applications. Finally, focusing on the Georgian and Ukrainian cases, the ideology’s influence on […]

Eurasianism. Evolution of the concept from its origins to the current implications in terms of geopolitics and security Read More »

Il costruttivismo (as)sociologico ma “non sociale” di Latour

Author: Simone D’Alessandro Abstract Latour’s Actor-Network Theory (ANT) builds a bridge between philosophy and anthropology, (re)defining sociology as a science that ‘traces associations’ between human and non-human, natural and artificial elements. This approach displays a ‘constructivist’ orientation that might apparently bring it closer to earlier authors. But it is a ‘non-social’ constructivism (Latour, 2022: 81)

Il costruttivismo (as)sociologico ma “non sociale” di Latour Read More »

Drop out universitario: analisi dei percorsi di abbandono all’Università degli Studi di Chieti-Pescara

Author: Clara Salvatori, Mara Maretti Abstract This case study delves into the factors influencing university drop-out at the University of Chieti-Pescara, offering a comprehensive perspective. It conducts an in-depth analysis of the motivations and dynamics leading students to interrupt their educational paths. Utilizing text mining techniques and qualitative coding of interviews with former students, the

Drop out universitario: analisi dei percorsi di abbandono all’Università degli Studi di Chieti-Pescara Read More »

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