Author name: Antonio Martella

Early tracking e transizioni verso gli studi universitari. Il ruolo dell’istruzione liceale nel successo formativo dei first-generation students

Author: Elena Gremigni Abstract University education can facilitate a transition to higher social positions and improved lifestyles. As part of qualitative research on first-generation students at the University of Pisa, this contribution aims to show how students attending liceo from families with poor educational credentials and limited economic resources expressly recognize the positive role this […]

Early tracking e transizioni verso gli studi universitari. Il ruolo dell’istruzione liceale nel successo formativo dei first-generation students Read More »

Adorno “prismatico”: processi culturali tra fondamenti teorici e contesti sociologici

Author: Francesco Giacomantonio Abstract The essay discusses the perspective of Theodor Adorno’s sociology of culture, and the key concepts involved in this lecture, in order to clarify this particular way of considering cultural processes, in which we find a deep philosophical and political weight. Just analyzing the main aspects linked to dialectics, semiculture, individualism and

Adorno “prismatico”: processi culturali tra fondamenti teorici e contesti sociologici Read More »

Eurasianism. Evolution of the concept from its origins to the current implications in terms of geopolitics and security

Author: Alessandra De Luca, Antonello Canzano Giansante Abstract This study investigates the cultural factor of Eurasianism under an ideological perspective in order to provide an overview of its potential threats. It reviews historical conceptualizations and Dugin’s Neo Eurasianism and examines its political applications. Finally, focusing on the Georgian and Ukrainian cases, the ideology’s influence on

Eurasianism. Evolution of the concept from its origins to the current implications in terms of geopolitics and security Read More »

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