Author name: The Lab's Quarterly

Patrizia Pacini Volpe, Il ruolo proattivo del volontariato in prigione. Esperienze di solidarietà e pratica di sussidiarietà. Uno studio sociologico tra Italia e Francia

Voluntary work, a fundamental and essential component for the correct reintegration of detainees into society, has a widespread presence in prisons of Italy and France, even though it has different religious, ideological, and cultural roots. This research shows the two pivotal roles of voluntary work: the active and promoting dimension, evidence of civic commitment and […]

Patrizia Pacini Volpe, Il ruolo proattivo del volontariato in prigione. Esperienze di solidarietà e pratica di sussidiarietà. Uno studio sociologico tra Italia e Francia Read More »

Federico Sofritti, Calamità e sociologia della crisi. Una prospettiva sorokininana sull’emergenza pandemica

In his works, Pitirim A. Sorokin paid particular attention on the fluctuations of sociocultural systems. Fluctuations can be either long lasting and gradual or sudden and unexpected. Calamities are crucial factors able to change radically the bedrocks of a sociocultural system in relatively short time. Against this backdrop, this article aims at providing some interpretative

Federico Sofritti, Calamità e sociologia della crisi. Una prospettiva sorokininana sull’emergenza pandemica Read More »

Elena Gremigni, Traiettorie individuali e habitus di classe. Il ruolo di mediazione dell’habitus istituzionale nelle transizioni educative

This paper aims to show how Bourdieu’s concept of habitus is not only particularly useful for understanding the mechanisms of social reproduction that act within the field of education, but also for comprehending the margins of intervention that are able to change the destinies of disadvantaged students. If, on the one hand, this durable system

Elena Gremigni, Traiettorie individuali e habitus di classe. Il ruolo di mediazione dell’habitus istituzionale nelle transizioni educative Read More »

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