Author name: The Lab's Quarterly

Quand l’habit fait le moine. Vers un ethnoscape corse?

Article does not exist anymore: Quand l’habit fait le moine. Vers un ethnoscape corse? The article with identifier was substituted by another version with the following citation: Ferrari-Giovanangeli, J. (2022). Quand l’habit fait le moine. Vers un ethnoscape corse?. The Lab’s Quarterly, XXIV(4), p. 29-44.

Quand l’habit fait le moine. Vers un ethnoscape corse? Read More »

Alessandro Gerosa, Adam Arvidsson (2020). Changemaker? Il futuro industrioso dell’economia digitale

Changemaker? di Adam Arvidsson si presenta come un libro compatto, ma estremamente denso, scritto per essere fruibile da un pubblico più vasto di quello delimitato dalla sola torre d’avorio accademica, pur mantenendo gli standard e il rigore di quest’ultima. Pubblicato originariamente in inglese da Polity Press nel 2019, è uscito in italiano nel 2020 per

Alessandro Gerosa, Adam Arvidsson (2020). Changemaker? Il futuro industrioso dell’economia digitale Read More »

Padmini Sharma, Alessandro Gandini (2020). Zeitgeist Nostalgia: On Populism, Work and the ‘Good Life’

This book delves into some pressing concern towards the increasing regressive nostalgic tendencies among Western societies that have been further triggered through populistic ideologies. It takes the reader through the changing notion of “good life” due to the onset of neoliberalism towards growing hostilities against immigration with the failing of the so-cietal model to live

Padmini Sharma, Alessandro Gandini (2020). Zeitgeist Nostalgia: On Populism, Work and the ‘Good Life’ Read More »

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