Author name: The Lab's Quarterly

Emanuela Susca, “Abbandonare l’ipocrisia dell’istruzione”. Riflessioni e proposte a partire da Capitale e ideologia di Thomas Piketty

This article focuses on the analysis of inequality conducted by Thomas Piketty in his Capital et idéologie, with particular reference to the educational gap between the richest and the most excluded. However, while Piketty emphasizes the weight of the economic aspects, the adopted perspective recalls the Bourdieusian concepts of cultural capital, symbolic violence and cognitive […]

Emanuela Susca, “Abbandonare l’ipocrisia dell’istruzione”. Riflessioni e proposte a partire da Capitale e ideologia di Thomas Piketty Read More »

Marco Pitzalis, Ferramenta (di una sociologia relazionale dei sistemi di istruzione)

Drawing inspiration from 20 years of sociological, theoretical and empirical research, in the field of sociology of school and higher education systems, this essay aims to take stock of the concepts, methodological choices and tools that can be mobilized to deal with the different dimensions that must be taken into account to investigate those fields.

Marco Pitzalis, Ferramenta (di una sociologia relazionale dei sistemi di istruzione) Read More »

Maria Cristina Ginevra, Sara Santilli, Ilaria Di Maggio, Salvatore Soresi, Laura Nota, Il contributo dell’orientamento per la progettazione di un futuro inclusivo e sostenibile

In this article, following a brief historical excursion through the social role that career guidance has had through the years, we propose some assumptions elaborated by the Life Design International Research Group, and some recent suggestions that underline the importance of inclusion and sustainability as strategies to guarantee the growth of the community, wellbeing for

Maria Cristina Ginevra, Sara Santilli, Ilaria Di Maggio, Salvatore Soresi, Laura Nota, Il contributo dell’orientamento per la progettazione di un futuro inclusivo e sostenibile Read More »

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