Author: Domenico Carbone, Joselle Dagnes, Arianna Antinori, Arianna Radin
The aim of this article is to investigate gender differences in training and access to the medical profession in Italy, which is characterized by a high rate of feminization. According to the data, a paradox seems to emerge. On the one hand, we observe a professional sector characterized by prestige, high salaries and significant career opportunities, which is largely accessible to women. On the other hand, however, strong gender segregation seems to persist, both in terms of type of specialization and career progression.
This article consists of two parts. In the first, we show, using original databases, the persistence of horizontal and vertical segregation with respect to female residents and physicians in Italy. In the second part, we propose, as case studies, two Italian gender mentoring initiatives designed to promote women’s empowerment and counteract horizontal and vertical segregation in medicine and health care.
Keywords: Medical specialties, gender segregation, gender mentoring, women in medicine, women empowerment
Notes on contributors
DOMENICO CARBONE, professore associato di Sociologia generale, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza e Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale.
JOSELLE DAGNES, professoressa associata di Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro, Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Università degli Studi di Torino.
ARIANNA ANTINORI, assegnista di ricerca, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza e Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale.
ARIANNA RADIN, assegnista di ricerca, Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Università degli Studi di Torino.