issue 1 XXIII

Paola Imperatore, Il diritto negato di dire no. La relazione tra contesto politico e protesta nei conflitti ambientali locali: i casi No Tap e No Snam

By qualitatively comparing the No Tap and No Snam protest campaigns, the paper focuses on the interaction between political context and protest in italian local environmental conflicts. The research shows a dramatic degrade in the dialectic between institution and citizens and a pivotal conflict around the same concept of democracy that reveal, at the core, […]

Paola Imperatore, Il diritto negato di dire no. La relazione tra contesto politico e protesta nei conflitti ambientali locali: i casi No Tap e No Snam Read More »

Antonietta Riccardo, Quartiere e Reti sociali. Analisi dei neighbourhood effects attraverso la prospettiva della Social Network Analysis

In recent decades, globalisation processes have oriented sociological studies towards the analysis of structures, flows and mobility on global scale, reducing interest in the dimensions of life closer to individuals, such as residential area, neighbourhood or urban space. This paper, favouring a network and systemic methodological approach, intends to show that local space, networks of

Antonietta Riccardo, Quartiere e Reti sociali. Analisi dei neighbourhood effects attraverso la prospettiva della Social Network Analysis Read More »

Marco Antonelli e Jonathan Pieri, Introduzione

The essay outlines the main aspects of the two-volume special issue “Istituzioni e conflittualità: una prospettiva interdisciplinare”, depicting the conference from which it has proceeded and highlighting its interdisciplinary nature. The two authors therefore describe the ten articles included into this publication, integrating them in a coherent general framework.

Marco Antonelli e Jonathan Pieri, Introduzione Read More »

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