volume XXIII

Ilaria Bracaglia, Che genere di ricerca? Considerazioni sul ruolo della ricercatrice tra neutralità, militanza e generi banditi

Emotions and feelings are the core of my contribution that is focused on methodological issues: the use of an interdisciplinary perspective, the re-lationship whit the people who make alive the field, and, most of all, the effects of gender in the research. 

Ilaria Bracaglia, Che genere di ricerca? Considerazioni sul ruolo della ricercatrice tra neutralità, militanza e generi banditi Read More »

Vanessa Corrado, How Can a Socio-political Conflict Speak? Some Trends in the Study of West Bengal’s Naxalbari Movement, 1967-1972

The article engages with the historiography of the Naxalbari movement in West Bengal in order to underline some epistemological problems in the study of recent history and revolutionary movements. The essay be-gins with the circumstances that gave rise to the movement, trying to un-derline its complexity and multifaceted character. It then presents the ma-jor literary

Vanessa Corrado, How Can a Socio-political Conflict Speak? Some Trends in the Study of West Bengal’s Naxalbari Movement, 1967-1972 Read More »

Valeria Ribechini, La strategia italiana verso il mondo arabo e la regione mediterranea: all’alba del Neoatlantismo

The end of the Second World War unfolded a completely new scenario for the Italian state in which decolonization, pro-Arab politics, Atlanti-cism and Neoatlanticism would be the protagonists of foreign policy. Behind an ambiguous “anticolonial turn”, Italy built a policy of prox-imity to the Arab-Mediterranean region, as part of a broader attempt to position itself

Valeria Ribechini, La strategia italiana verso il mondo arabo e la regione mediterranea: all’alba del Neoatlantismo Read More »

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