Early tracking e transizioni verso gli studi universitari. Il ruolo dell’istruzione liceale nel successo formativo dei first-generation students

Author: Elena Gremigni


University education can facilitate a transition to higher social positions and improved lifestyles. As part of qualitative research on first-generation students at the University of Pisa, this contribution aims to show how students attending liceo from families with poor educational credentials and limited economic resources expressly recognize the positive role this form of education played during their university studies. On the other hand, the few students in the sample who attended university after technical or vocational pathways, where students from disadvantaged backgrounds are numerous, complained of an inadequate or unsuitable preparation for university. These testimonies indicate a need to rethink the early tracking education system in Italy which leads to an inequality in educational opportunities.

Keywords: Early tracking, educational transitions, first-generation students

DOI: https://doi.org/10.13131/7y2m-8j11

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Notes on contributors

ELENA GREMIGNI è assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università degli Studi di Salerno e docente a contratto di Sociologia dei gruppi e Sociologia dei processi cultu-rali e comunicativi presso l’Università di Pisa.
Email: elena.gremigni@med.unipi.it

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