Giannini M. Genere e modernità patriarcale

Author: Mirella Giannini


The paper aims to answer the following question: are we really out of patriarchal modernity? Even today, the issue is the subject of feminist debate, because society has certainly evolved from the point of view of women’s emancipation, but the decline of patriarchy, as a fundamental feature of modernity, does not seem to be fully established. This question is analyzed and developed starting from the reflections of George Simmel and his comparison with Marianne Weber and then continuing with the analyses of Pierre Bourdieu on the submission of women to patriarchal hierarchy and with those of Alain Touraine on women as fundamental agents of change in social organization. In its final part, the paper focuses on contemporary feminism and the prospects of fighting patriarchy.

Keywords: Patriarcato, genere, femminismo


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Notes on contributors

MIRELLA GIANNINI è stata professoressa di Sociologia dei Processi Economici e del Lavoro presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali dell’Università di Napoli “Federico II”

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