Author: Selene Greco
In this case study a non-profit organization constitutes the empirical context for exploring the emergence and impact of interaction between dissonant logics of social action. By the use of a qualitative research strategy, the article reconstructs the orders of worth that co-exist in the organisational context. The emergence of different logics of action in the organization is analyzed with reference to the theoretical framework of Harrison White. On the other hand, connecting with David Stark’s theory of heterarchy, the analysis show how structural elements mediate the impacts of friction between multiple logics in organisational systems. The paper presents the initial core of a model for analysing dissonance in organizations and production markets.
Keywords: organizations, non-profit, dissonance, friction
Notes on contributors
SELENE GRECO è dottoranda in Metodologia delle Scienze Sociali presso il Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza. I suoi interessi si collocano nell’ambito della sociologia delle organizzazioni e della sociologia relazionale.