Daher L. La modernità è finita? Ipotesi di continuità

Author: Liana M. Daher


Is modernity a socio-historical period that can be said to be definitively concluded for sociological studies? If so, can we describe it as being temporally and spatially defined, or is it feasible to point to a series of consequences that are directly linked to modernity and the related course of modernisation as they are processes that have not yet been completed? The aim of the article is to discuss the temporal and spatial domains of what is sociologically defined as modernity in the long term, in order to examine the legacies of sociological theories of the modern era.

Keywords: Modernity, post modernity, modernization, social change, sociological theory

DOI: https://doi.org/10.13131/unipi/fge4-6k54

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Notes on contributors

LIANA MARIA DAHER è Professore ordinario presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Università degli Studi Catania. Maggiori informazioni sono reperibili a questo link: https://www.disfor.unict.it/docenti/liana.maria.daher
Email: liana.daher@unict.it

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