Author: Annalinda Monticelli, Laura Falci
The paper offers a sociological reflection on the concepts of time and power from a gender perspective, analyzing the social, political, and economic dynamics that contribute to the unequal presence of men and women in work contexts and decision-making processes. It examines the dimensions of time (symbolic, cultural, social, individual) and power asymmetries in economic, political, and labor spheres, highlighting structural and cultural inequalities that limit women’s access to leadership positions. The study explores empowerment, agency, and leadership through a methodological analysis of gender-related indexes (GEI, GEM, WEI, GDI), assessing their critical aspects and continuous improvements. Additionally, it analyzes secondary data on trends from 2019 to 2024 in Italy and Europe, comparing best practices in gender-equal countries with policies adopted in less equitable contexts, such as Italy, which is undergoing regulatory, cultural, and educational transformations to address gender inequalities.
Keywords: gender equality, gender-related indexes, female empowerment, time, EU good practices
Notes on contributors
ANNALINDA MONTICELLI Assegnista di Ricerca in Sociologia Generale presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila.
LAURA FALCI, Dottoranda in Comunicazione, Ricerca sociale e Marketing, curriculum in Metodologia delle Scienze Sociali, presso Sapienza Università di Roma.