Current Issue

Our Journal

A Journal of Epistemology, Methodology, and Theory in the Social Sciences

The Lab’s Quarterly covers a wide range of topics in the social sciences, such as epistemology, methodology, and theory. The journal explores how human knowledge is produced and used in different contexts, how data is collected and analyzed in social research, and how sociological theories explain contemporary social phenomena.

New volume - 2024, XXVI, 2 (April-June)

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Don Lorenzo Milani and His International Impact in Education and Beyond

Author: Peter Mayo Abstract In this article, I shall first demonstrate the extent of Don Milani’s and his students’ resonance in various contexts outside Italy, no-tably Spain, Malta, Turkey, Latin America and North America, Australia and the UK. I will…

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The Searchers: Gramsci, Freire and Williams’ Contributions to Popular Education

Author: Emilio Lucio-Villegas Abstract Connections between education and Social Justice are very present in the long tradition of Popular Education. In this line, the three authors selected – coming from…

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Paulo Freire e l’educazione alla giustizia sociale tra storicità e dialogo

Author: Emiliana Mangone Abstract For Paolo Freire, education is political action that aims to implement social justice. The intent was to build an educational practice (praxis) that would allow the…

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Critical Education Between Social Justice and Dialogic Cultural Action

Author: Lucia Picarella Abstract Education considered as a critical social practice and as a tool for the formation of active citizenship can play a fundamental role because it is most…

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La centralità dell’educazione nell’Agenda 2030: giustizia sociale e sostenibilità

Author: Francesca Cubeddu Abstract The article, in the first part, aims to analyse the centrality of educational processes within the 2030 Agenda from a general view of sociocultural changes through…

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L’emancipazione dalle disuguaglianze: il contributo della digital literacy

Author: Elvira Martini Abstract Reducing inequalities is a decisive pathway to full participation in contemporary society and, given the changing nature of digital contexts, the reduction of digital inequalities takes…

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Educazione e comunicazione per lo svilupposociale nelle comunità liminali. Problemi e prospettive di azione

Author: Andrea Volterrani Abstract Rooted in empirical studies conducted in liminal and marginal communities in southern Italy as part of a training project for managers of third sector organizations in…

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Colombo Maddalena, Romito Marco, Vaira Massimiliano, Visentin Martina (2022, Eds), Education and Emergency in Italy. How the Education System Reacted to the First Wave of Covid-19

Author: Marianna Coppola Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic represented a real “general and deep crisis” that affected every sphere of human and social life, from the health system – the main…

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Estrella Gualda (2020. Ed.), Teorías de la conspiración y discursos de odio en línea en la sociedad de las plataformas

Author: Miriam Matteo Abstract Entering into the study of today’s society implies recognising its salient traits that can be traced in terms of hypercomplexity (Dominici, 2011) such that, while on…

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