Christine M. Jacobsen, Marry-Anne Karlsen, Shahram Khosravi (2020, a cura di) Waiting and the temporalities of irregular migration

Author: Andrea Calabretta Abstract Among the general tendencies characterizing the current age of migration, it is possible to highlight both the complexification of migration flows and migration’s increasing politicization (Castles, de Haas, Miller, 2013: 16), which has led to a growth of symbolic and material barriers set to counter the more and more numerous and […]

Christine M. Jacobsen, Marry-Anne Karlsen, Shahram Khosravi (2020, a cura di) Waiting and the temporalities of irregular migration Read More »

Digital temporalities. Subjective experiences of asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in border areas

Author: Claudia Lintner Abstract The article reflects how new communication technologies shape the waiting- as a typical feature of time experience- of asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. By linking the physical experience of time to a digital level invites us to rethink our perception of time as a linear description of events and as merely

Digital temporalities. Subjective experiences of asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in border areas Read More »

The twofold strategy of temporariness in the Japanese immigration control system: The outcomes of a restrictive policy framework for “disguised refugees”, irregular and economic immigrants

Author: Giulia Dugar Abstract Japan has only very recently started to be conceived as a migration destination country, however, since the 1970s, its immigration has shown steadily growing numbers, highlighting the importance for re-searchers to shed light on the specificities of the Japanese immigration phenomenon. Nevertheless, the Japanese legal immigration framework is still considered inadequate

The twofold strategy of temporariness in the Japanese immigration control system: The outcomes of a restrictive policy framework for “disguised refugees”, irregular and economic immigrants Read More »

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