La centralità dell’educazione nell’Agenda 2030: giustizia sociale e sostenibilità

Author: Francesca Cubeddu Abstract The article, in the first part, aims to analyse the centrality of educational processes within the 2030 Agenda from a general view of sociocultural changes through the lens of so-called critical education (some precursors will be recalled). In the second part, on the other hand, through the analysis of some documents […]

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Critical Education Between Social Justice and Dialogic Cultural Action

Author: Lucia Picarella Abstract Education considered as a critical social practice and as a tool for the formation of active citizenship can play a fundamental role because it is most probably the only area that has a real capacity to influence actual social realities. This paper intertwines the paths and teachings of three personalities who

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Paulo Freire e l’educazione alla giustizia sociale tra storicità e dialogo

Author: Emiliana Mangone Abstract For Paolo Freire, education is political action that aims to implement social justice. The intent was to build an educational practice (praxis) that would allow the oppressed populations of Latin America to achieve freedom by overcoming what made a status quo of strong inequality between classes stagnant. The objective of this

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