Santero A. Gender asymmetries in research centers: addressing gender fatigue and promoting gender equality plans

Author: Arianna Santero

Gender Equality Plans have become increasingly important in both public and private work organizations. This paper aims to identify the challenges, limitations, and opportunities of implementing Gender Equality Plans in research centers in Italy. This will be achieved through a literature review, as well as by identifying successful strategies employed by innovative organizations through stakeholder perspectives. Among the best practices, particularly for promoting work-life balance, the article highlights the use of quali-quantitative tools to identify gender intersectional disparities, participatory training methods, and the negotiation of shared, context-specific goals and actions with a phased approach to incentive identification. Finally, measures encouraging substantive equality will be discussed.

Keywords: Gender Equality Plans, Research centers, Gender fatigue, NRP, Gender Certification


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Notes on contributors

ARIANNA SANTERO is a researcher in Sociology at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin, where she teaches Social Service and Family and Applied Social Research.

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